Hi there!

These pages are more intended for internal use. If you want to read them, feel free to do so. But please do not care about anything in here that works or does not.

And don't take the things you may find here too serious.

My PGP key (ID 03D78B0E)
Serial port driver for the I2C bus / LM_Sensors package
Linux on a Dell Inspiron 8200
xfigps -- edit PS files with xfig
Fachschaft Mathe/Phys/Info
Das Web-Ding

Echte Voegel kotzen nicht!
Not my job.

For those ones of the SDL mailing list who are interested in the debugging information, here it is: SDL-1.2.1-debug.tar.gz . It includes the source tree and the output of the configure and the make run.
Something about the efforts of the Fachschaft in printing (an exercise in doing a completely digital preprocessing of a print job): the Digital Print Preprocessing HowTo (postscript; also availabel as pdf)

Stefan Rutzinger, 18.01.2001